You’re not the only one!
It can be difficult thinking up new and exciting ideas for your company blog. And of course the trouble is once you’ve started, you kind of need to stick with it. Which just adds another stressful element to your already hectic day.
At this point I should of course jump in and say that all you need is to hire me for your problems to disappear. But I won’t. Oh wait, I just did …
Anyway, the point is that it’s easier than you think to come up with new ideas on a weekly, bi-monthly, monthly basis to keep your readers entertained.
Here are 6 smart solutions for getting those all-important ideas to generate fresh content for your business blog:
1. Google Alerts
Where would we be without Google!
Simply set up a number of Google Alerts for different search terms. For example, if you run a fitness business, create numerous alerts for all the fitness terms that are relevant – fitness, exercise, health, weight loss, workouts, etc.
Whatever your business type, there will be plenty of up-to-the-minute information that can be turned into a blog article.
And by doing so you are also keeping abreast of the latest developments within your industry as well as providing a beneficial service to your readers.
2. Quora
Quora is a great resource for new information. It’s essentially a Q&A site where users can ask questions, follow topics and people. It’s very popular with experts which is what makes it such a great resource. You can find real-time breaking news and then write about it.
3. Social media
With social media playing such a huge role in B2B and B2C relationships, it’s an obvious base to find nuggets of information good enough to write about.
Of course, the downside is that you’ll probably have to pick your way through an awful lot of junk first.
The rewards can be worth it though. Just ensure you’re following industry leaders to make it easier than it would otherwise be. This is a good reason to make sure you have a clear picture of who you want to follow / connect with, rather than a scatter gun approach.
If there are questions being asked among your peers that you can answer, instead of simply answering them, write an article about it. Then include that in your response. Don’t do it blatantly. Give an overview of your answer first, then invite readers to your blog article where you’ve given more information / opinions / comments.
This kills two birds with one stone.
- You’ve created new content for your blog.
- You’ve engaged with your audience.
- And you’ve established yourself as an industry expert.
Okay, so actually three birds!
4. Industry relevant publications
You should already be receiving these to your inbox or through your door. So rather than brush them to one side, grab a cup of coffee, sit down and skim through them.
You’ll know when you stumble on a gem that could be spun into your own article.
Just be careful not to replicate the content. You’re using it as a basis for your own research. Once you’ve thoroughly research it yourself, you’ll be able to write a compelling article that offers a new slant for your readers to enjoy.
5. Other blogs
What are other similar businesses writing about? Or even your complementary business? How are they finding their ideas?
Take time to read through their blog and try to grab a few ideas. Again this is not to replicate, but to give you an idea to stem your own research.
Perhaps you can come up with a new angle on the topic? If so, continue researching. Generate your own perspective and then get down to writing your article.
6. Business forums
You’re probably already a member of forums relating to your industry, as well as other general business forums. If so, login and find out what the members are chatting about.
As with social media, there may be questions being asked that you can answer. It’s amazing how many ideas can be found using this method. You can even ask questions yourself to help fuel your article.
So what are you waiting for?
If you’re behind on your blog why not start 2014 with new motivation and a great new plan. Pick one of these channels and spend 20-30 minutes every day taking a look around.
If you can do that every day, you’ll end up with a list of article ideas to keep you busy for the next few months. I guarantee it!
The post Struggling for new blog article ideas? appeared first on Virtual Miss Begley.